Whole school

Attendance and Punctuality Tracker
Given to students who show poor attendance or punctuality. The idea is to put the emphasis on the student and what they can do to improve their attendance and punctuality. Also acts as a visual for parents/carers who can ask to see this at the end of the day or week. Resource forms good communication tool between pupil, students and parents/carers.

Termly Assertive Mentoring
A resource that has been adapted to be used on a termly basis. This forms our intervention for Y9 and 10 students who are behind target at an assessment point. The idea is that the teacher spends 5 minutes with this student at a mutually convenient time (could be after school or even during a lesson where activity is student led). The idea is to get the students to think about what they could be doing to improve but also what specific areas they need to focus on.

I can... Grid
A resource available to use in any subject. Used as a plenary for students to write what they can do at the end of the lesson. I printed these and laminated them, i took photos and printed them off sometimes to stick in books.

Business Lesson Topical Starters
A range of starters for use around the year to get students linking their business studies learning to the real world. 3 are completed and there is also a list of ideas.